Updates from Dr. Shore

Dear Patients and Friends,
I hope the new year is off to a good start for you! We have been busy at the office changing to a new and efficient billing system, and I wanted to make all of you aware of the changes. You may have noticed that you’re receiving statements via email instead of by mail. In an effort to reduce paper and streamline processes, we will be utilizing this system as much as possible. Please let us know if you have a preferred email address for your bills. The emailed statements allow you to pay your bill online at your convenience. We also have new card terminals at the office which enable us to accept Google/Apple pay and use the Tap system. We are trying to collect co-pays and balances at the time of service, and this system makes that easier for everyone. I’m excited for these new and modern changes!
We are lucky to have Joyce, Stephanie and Michele as our hygiene team who are all dedicated to keeping you in the best dental health possible. The Sacramento area is experiencing a regional shortage of Registered Dental Hygienists, and I have had difficulty over the past six months in hiring the right hygienist to complete our team. Trina, my Scheduling Coordinator, works so hard every day trying to accommodate patients and keep everyone on time with their cleanings. Believe me, I have shared in your frustration when we have to cancel and reschedule appointments. Fortunately, I have recently hired a wonderful hygienist, Joel, who will be seeing patients three days per week. Joel has been a Hygienist for 11 years and he has been a great fit for our office so far. With only 7% of Registered Dental Hygienists being male, it’s a new and exciting change to have a male working in our office! Joel is married with three young daughters and enjoys watching sports of all kinds.
It should be easier to schedule or reschedule cleaning appointments moving forward, but please try to give us as much notice as possible if you need to cancel your appointment. Also, please keep in mind that all four of our hygienists are wonderful so please don’t be afraid to try someone new!
Our lead assistant, Christina, has completed her Expanded Functions license and is starting to assist with patient treatment like placing fillings. She is a thorough and caring practitioner who has been in dentistry for over 25 years, and is our office expert in Cariology (the study of cavities) and infection control. If you haven’t met her already, I hope you have to opportunity to do so very soon!
On a final note, one of our other dental assistants, Rachelle, who joined our staff in 2021, has completed her Bachelors degree and has left for another job. We will miss her! Luckily, we have a “new” assistant, Sarah, who has returned to work in our office after living out of state for many years. Sarah originally worked as a dental assistant in our office over 20 years ago! We’re excited to have her back on the team, joining Christina, Jackie and Jessica.
As always, thank you for your continued support. If you ever have a question, problem or concern, please reach out directly to me, info@shoredentistry.com.
Stefanie Shore, DDS